Praise & Prayer

Nguyen Van Tai is a 15 year old boy, whose house is across the street from the MWOCC. Tai's father was a truck loader and was electricuted in a loading accident at the time the SEAR Motorcyrle Wash & Oil Change Center for needy boys was just being completed. When Tai's father died, the whole family was affected. Tai had two older sisters and a younger brother and his mother with him in the home when Tai's father died. Tai's mother became very depressed and lost the will to live and was not able to care for her family. Tai and his family struggled daily with the health of their mother gone.

Tai needed help, so his mother asked if he could live, work and have training and the supervision he needed at the center. SEAR's christian national staff knew Tai needed help, so readily accepted him. Pray for Tai, and his family. Tai is a blessing to the center. Pray that Tai will put his faith in the Lord Jesus soon. Tai is a precious boy. Tai has lived in the center for 2 years now.

Quach Tran Thuong is a very small 14 year old boy from the mountains of Nam Dong, towards the direction of Hue . He will start the 6th grade this year. He has parents and an older sister and brother. His father is not well with liver disease and his mother sells soup and does limited farming in the mountains. Both older sister and brother have stopped schooling because of poverty and the need to search for what work can be found. In the summers, Thuong becomes almost a street kid, roaming around, looking for food etc.

Thuong comes into the MWOCC in the summer time to live and work and have a safe place to live and get the extra food he needs. Thuong is a relative of nurse Tran Thi Vuot, SEAR christian national staff. Nurse Vuot and her husband, Mr. Ngoc represent the mission SEAR full time in Viet-Nam and oversee the MWOCC and all SEAR work in Viet-Nam. Thuong will be returning to the mountains when school starts, the end of August.

Pray for Thuong, for his safety and health in the mountains and for his continued schooling. Thuong goes to church when he is in Da Nang City , but there is no church in the mountains. Thuong has expressed faith in the Lord Jesus. He needs the Lord for protection from the temptations of poverty and the difficulties of living in Nam Dong.

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